Lawyers like to talk about "estate planning", but almost no one else uses that term in the same way. I have asked many groups "What does estate planning mean to you?", and the responses have varied widely. Most people just say a "will" or "trust". That's certainly true, but there is a lot more to it than that. For me, estate planning is more about objectives than documents. So, here is my definition --
Estate planning is a combination of documents and strategies that are designed to achieve one or more of the following objectives --
Estate planning is a combination of documents and strategies that are designed to achieve one or more of the following objectives --
- Transfer assets to beneficiaries
- Disinherit specific heirs
- Manage assets for the benefit of another person
- Minimize administrative costs
- Minimize administrative complexity and litigation
- Nominate persons to handle fiduciary responsibilities
- Protect assets from creditors
- Pay expenses & debts
- Minimize estate and income taxes
- Prepare for incapacity
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